Being a pretty small school in the heart of the city with no sports fields or track or gym, Exploris doesn't have the typical extracurricular activities found at traditional middle schools. They have loads of clubs that revolve around academics and personal interests of the students (as long as they have a parent and/or teacher who will sponsor the activity and be there for meetings, they can make a club), but as far as sports they are a little lacking. For us, that was actually one of the benefits of the school as Alex has never found a team sport that he has been comfortable pursuing. So no pressure not being on the school soccer, or football, or baseball, or lacrosse team. None of the jocks vs brains stuff going on.
That said, they do have a cross country team! All you need is a pair of running shoes and off you go! Being a more solitary team sport, Alex decided to join. I've also "joined" as a running coach and have been out there running the streets of Raleigh (and the parking garage stairs) with the kids. It's been so great for Alex! He's made several friends and now knows some "upper classmen" that he'll talk to at school.
They had their first meet on Thursday after school, competing against Magellan Charter School and the Franklin Academy. It was held in a park about a thirty minute drive north of school. Running in fields and on trails, much different from our pavement pounding we do in town. The girls' team rocked and came in first place and our guys did a great job coming in second!

That evening Phil and I had a date with Elvis Costello performing with the NC Symphony! So it was quite the rush showering, feeding Alex and getting to the show on time! It was held at a fairly small outdoor venue with seating, followed by lawn, followed by elevated tables with wait service. We were in the latter which helped us in not worrying too much about being late or getting dinner for ouselves organized! It was an interesting evening of music with both Elvis and the Symphony working with one another on combined musical arrangements, some of which had only been run through together that afternoon. They performed some Costello classics (Veronica, Accidents Will Happen, Alison, What's So Funny 'Bout Peace, Love and Understanding) but mostly a variety of lovely pieces that combined both his one of a kind voice with the talented symphony members.
Lastly, and I am so not old enough for this, Alex had his first slow dance last night at his very first school dance!!!! It was quite the drama leading up to the dance with Alex asking a girl if she would be there (his way of asking her to the dance) and then being flat out asked by another girl if he would go with her to the dance (such a forward little thing!). He had a great time and already informed us of when the next dance will be happening . . . I am so so so not ready for any of this!
1 comment:
Haahaa, that's so funny about the dance...and the drama! Good for him, I'm sure that made his day being asked by that girl! How sweet.
Sounds like a great evening out with your hubby too, how fun!
I love the picture of the kids cheering, great pic! Good for him that he joined the team, sounds like it's gonna be a great experience for him...and for YOU!! Wow, what a mom! :)
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