The purpose of this award is to give it to someone who is showing gratitude or a good attitude ("if life hands you lemons, make lemonade") within their life or blog.
The rules:
1) put the logo on your blog
2) nominate at least 10 blogs that show great attitude and/or gratitude.
3) have your 10 pass it along to 10 more!
I wish I had enough blogging friends in my arsenal to pass this along to and do it justice, but I think the few friends that I do have tagging along with me on this journey will be able to spread the wishes as strongly as 10 friends would!
Thank you Kimberly! A wonderful friend to me and my family here in North Carolina. I appreciate the Lemonade Award and will pass it right along!
Below are a few friends that have been very supportive in many ways, being there when perhaps I was the "lemon" that they had to deal with! Some I think I was able to be on my best behavior with. An old blogging friend that has had to deal with the lemons that were dealt out to our agency, but has hands down handled them with grace and whose blog brings so much beauty to those that visit it. And one new friend that I have yet to have met, although I did know her husband in college, and I hope to meet her in person someday!
Lynn at http://wishesquilt.blogspot.com/
Lori at http://ajourneytoourdaughter.blogspot.com/ (who I know is very busy getting her business started up, but your blog has brought much joy!)
Lynn (a different expat Lynn) at http://lifeaccordingtolynn.blogspot.com/
Chelsea at http://gourfamilyadoption.blogspot.com/
Jolie at http://www.little-latham.blogspot.com/
Carla at http://gulke.blogspot.com/
Oh thank you Yvette, I appreciate the kind words and thanks for the award. :)
We had wonderful holidays, thank you! I'm having a rough time getting back into the groove after the extended break. haha
Happy New Year and I LOVE the new "about me" photo in blue!!
ps Oh and that's so cute about the advent calendar...it's such a sweet calendar and I can't wait to use it. I peeked at it when I was pulling some things out this year. :)
Oh Yvette, I was so tickled to see your comment about the "water wheel" market! Isn't it just the loveliest little town? Pictures can't do it justice! Living 4 years in Europe...what an adventure! I am glad to have found your blog!...Debbie
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