More from the archives . . .
There was a merger of museums in Raleigh this fall. Exploris Museum and Play Space joined forces to become Marbles Chilren's Museum. The student's at Exploris Middle School were enlisted in both the early behind the scenes work and at the actual grand opening, September 29, working at the various stations.
Alex spent most of his shift at a painting station, helping kids get set up at the easels and finding places to leave their creations to dry. He got to work with Frank, the 8th grade teacher who is also the cross country coach, along with several other 7th and 8th graders.
The museum was packed! I'm sure the fact that it was free that day didn't hurt, but I know there was alot of interest from families with young kids eager to finally get a chance to check out Raleigh's first children's musuem. I think it's been a hit since that first day because it's next to impossible now to get good (read "free") parking at school!! Oh well.